Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Today is Fibromyalgia Awareness Day.  This day was chosen as it would have been Florence Nightingale’s birthday.  So, Happy Birthday to her! What an amazing woman she was.
Did you know that Florence Nightingale may well have had Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue/ME-like symptoms? **

🦉What is Fibromyalgia? It is a long-term condition that may include wide-spread pain; fatigue; muscle stiffness; poor sleep; brain fog; headaches and IBS which affects more women than men.

🦉What is Chronic Fatigue or ME? ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) is a long term condition which fatigue is the main symptoms but may be associated with sleeping and memory problems; muscle or joint pains; headaches; sore throats; flu-like symptoms; dizziness; nausea or palpitations.

I was contacted this week to see if I could treat someone with fibromyalgia (FM). Yes, is the short answer. I’ve treated loads of patient who have diagnosed or suspected FM. It may be helpful to have osteopathic treatment for the muscular problems of FM, and indeed ME.  Lots of people seek out an osteopath for treatment for this reason. Treatment is often best used alongside a whole-body approach.  This may include optimising your diet, appropriate exercise and possible medication provided by your GP. You may also find  CBT useful.

There is plenty of information and support groups out there to help.  The Fibromyalgia Action UK and the ME Association are both listed on the NHS website so might be a good place to start.

Book a consultation  for osteopathy to see how it might help you.  You will need to share a full case-history including important medical information. How you move and how you feel are also important. Treatments are gentle and tailored just for you.

I hope this help.
 **Did you know she also had a pet owl 🦉 she kept in her pocket?